Jayden Adcox was named Regional Homes of Pearl Player of the Week for October 6th. Pictured from left to right are Head Coach David Parker, Jayden, and Sean and Merritt Gerald. Congratulations, Jayden!

Blessing of the Teams to be held at Little Rock Missionary Baptist Church, Forest, MS with Pastor Sheldon Thomas

Messages for Parents
Please share these messages with parents
through your school communication tools.
MDE and MDHS are currently issuing new P-EBT cards to children eligible for 2022
P-EBT. Please call the P-EBT Call Center to ask if your child is eligible for
benefits, or to request an address change for your P-EBT card. P-EBT Customer
Service Representatives are available at 1-833-316-2423, Monday - Friday, 8:30 am -
5:30 pm CST.
How can parents get P-EBT info?
Parents can get more information
about P-EBT by:
Calling the hotline at 1-833-316-2423, Monday – Friday from 8:30-5:30.
Chatting live with a P-EBT customer service agent
at www.mdhs.ms.gov/pandemic-ebt-p-ebt/ on the bottom right side of the page.
Reading the 2022 P-EBT FAQs available on the MDHS website.

Forest Elementary School announces its Chromebook distribution information. We are excited about providing students with access to Chromebook devices for home and school use!

Meet the Bearcats!!!!
Meet the Bearcats tonight, October 13th, at the FHS Gym, immediately following the district's Open House.
Open House 3:30-6:00

FES Report Card Pick-Up Information

Forest Elementary School announces its Teacher, Staff, and Students of the Month for September. Congratulations to all of the FES representatives for their overall display of excellence and courtesy!
Staff: Don Stokes
Teacher: Lynda Killen
K- Sierra Lewis
1st- James Brown
2nd- Josue Gomez
3rd- Sherlyn Alvarez
4th- Michael Walden

Thanks to Walmart Supercenter Vision Clinic for providing vision screeners for our students today! We appreciate your support at Hawkins Middle School! We can't wait to collaborate for our health fair in November! You're truly SUPER leaders!

Can you guess the decade? That right... the 1950s! The 1950s was the decade of the dawn of the Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement!
Hawkins Middle School definitely knows how to show Bearcat Pride! This has been the best homecoming week ever! We did not disappoint!
Pictured L to R: Student Cadence Anderson, Teacher Paula Jones, Reading Specialist Kimberly Harrison, Principal Kristen Williams, and Teacher Tammy Nelson

HMS Student Chromebook Distribution:
7:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.
Pick-Up at Hawkins Middle School Campus

Ce--le--brate Good Times!!! Come ON!!! Forest Elementary School celebrates becoming an "A" school based on the Mississippi Department of Education Accountability Model. Congratulations, Forest Elementary School!

The FMSD 2022 Family Fiesta Parent Night was a huge success! A special thank you to the families of our students who came out to support and participate! During this event, families had the opportunity to take part in the following activities: EL Program Exit Awards Ceremony, Talent Show, Fun Family Games, Art Gallery Display, Concessions, and Refreshments.
More scenes from the Family Fiesta Family Night

The FMSD 2022 Family Fiesta Parent Night was a huge success! A special thank you to the families of our students who came out to support and participate! During this event, families had the opportunity to take part in the following activities: EL Program Exit Awards Ceremony, Talent Show, Fun Family Games, Art Gallery Display, Concessions, and Refreshments.
Scenes from the Fun Family Games

The FMSD 2022 Family Fiesta Parent Night was a huge success! A special thank you to the families of our students who came out to support and participate! During this event, families had the opportunity to take part in the following activities: EL Program Exit Awards Ceremony, Talent Show, Fun Family Games, Art Gallery Display, Concessions, and Refreshments.
Scenes from the Art Gallery Display

The FMSD 2022 Family Fiesta Parent Night was a huge success! A special thank you to the families of our students who came out to support and participate! During this event, families had the opportunity to take part in the following activities: EL Program Exit Awards Ceremony, Talent Show, Fun Family Games, Art Gallery Display, Concessions, and Refreshments.
Scenes from the Talent Show

The FMSD 2022 Family Fiesta Parent Night was a huge success! A special thank you to the families of our students who came out to support and participate! During this event, families had the opportunity to take part in the following activities: EL Program Exit Awards Ceremony, Talent Show, Fun Family Games, Art Gallery Display, Concessions, and Refreshments.
Scenes from the EL Program Exit Awards Ceremony

The H.E.L.P. Club is sponsoring a soccer tournament to help support future events. Encourage your students to form a team and sign up! Everyone is invited to come out and watch the tournament Saturday, October 22, 2022 @ 1:00 p.m. Contact a H.E.L.P. Club Sponsor to register your team. Please have your team captain, team name, and team color ready when signing up.

Forest High School announces its 2022 Homecoming Court

Happy Custodians' Appreciation Day (10.3.2022) to our wonderful custodial staff at Hawkins Middle School! We have a ton of celebrating to do during homecoming week and we couldn't be more elated to jump things off celebrating those that take such great care of us!
Pictured L to R: Gail Robinson, Assistant Principal Lindsey White, Marty Moore, Principal Kristen Williams, Derry Robinson, and Assistant Principal Cory Jordan

The FMSD EL Program Staff would like to extend a BIG thank you to everyone who helped make the EL Parent Night Fiesta a huge success! Special thanks to this year's sponsors: Wayne & Kathy Batte; Bells, Inc.; Community Bank; Vowell's Marketplace; Dale/Bailey Architects; General Service, Co.; S & W Rto, LLC; Simply Sweet; El Patio; Tienda Taqueria 2 Hermanos; La Parillas; FES; HMS; FHS; Robin Milling; Cindy Reynolds; Reagan & Sadie Shoemaker; and FMSD Central Office.