Falloween festivities...
Fiestas de Falloween
Scenes from Hat Day and Spirit Wear Day at FES...
Beat the Panthers!
Escenas del Día del Sombrero y el Día del Uso del Espíritu en la FES... ¡
Vence a las Panteras!
Happy Falloween, Bearcats!
Feliz otono, Bearcats!
Gracias a todos los padres que asistieron a la Academia de Padres de 3er Grado.
Thanks to all the parents who attended 3rd Grade Parent Academy.
Forest Elementary School Dress-up days...
Días de disfraces de la Escuela Primaria Forest...
Career and Technology Center students demonstrated the proper way to wash hands for Kindergarten students. Students had the most fun while viewing “germs” with Glo Germ spray under the fluorescent lights. Wash those hands, Bearcats!
Los estudiantes del Centro de Carreras y Tecnología demostraron la forma correcta de lavarse las manos a los estudiantes de Kindergarten. Los estudiantes se divirtieron al máximo mientras veían "gérmenes" con el aerosol Glo Germ bajo las luces fluorescentes. ¡Lávense las manos, Bearcats!
Two celebrities arrived on campus Thursday morning! Miss Mississippi Vivian O'Neal stopped by FES to speak to 4th grade students about making healthy choices in life such as staying away from tobacco products. Miss O’Neal shared the “Tar Wars” presentation which is funded by the The Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians Foundation, and Mr. Charles Longmire, FMSD school board president, attended the event.
¡Dos celebridades llegaron al campus el jueves por la mañana! Miss Mississippi, Vivian O'Neal, pasó por FES para hablar con los estudiantes de 4º grado sobre cómo tomar decisiones saludables en la vida, como mantenerse alejado de los productos de tabaco. La señorita O'Neal compartió la presentación "Tar Wars" que es financiada por la Fundación de la Academia de Médicos de Familia de Mississippi, y el Sr. Charles Longmire, presidente de la junta escolar de FMSD, asistió al evento.
Today is Report Card pick up. Please come to Open House from 3:30-5:30.
Meet the Bearcats will be immediately following Open House.
Open House is tomorrow evening! Please join us!
La jornada de puertas abiertas es manana por la noche! Unete a nosotros!
Leah Rigby
OCT 18, 2023
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Bearcats of ALL Ages:
Please mark your calendars- The date of the long awaited Battle of the Golden Chicken has been moved to Thursday, October 26th.
Come out to support the Bearcats at L.O. Atkins Field - Home of the Bearcats!
Reminder: Schools will be closed for Fall Break on the following days: Thursday,
October 12; Friday, October 13; and Monday, October, 16. Students will return to school on Tuesday, October 17.
Las vacaciones de otoño serán el jueves 12 de octubre, el viernes 13 de octubre y el lunes 16 de octubre de 2023. Los estudiantes regresan a la escuela el martes 17 de octubre de 2023.
Fall Break will be Thursday, October 12, Friday, October 13, and Monday, October 16, 2023. Students return to school on Tuesday, October 17, 2023.
Shout-out to FHS teacher Kristen Moore and her high school theatre students for hosting an afternoon of theatre for FES Kindergarteners. FHS students read aloud from a variety of children’s books such as "Skippyjon Jones", "Beauty and the Beast", "Rapunzel", and "The Three Little Pigs" as members of Moore’s class donned costumes and performed action scenes from the books.
Un saludo a la maestra de FHS, Kristen Moore, y a sus estudiantes de teatro de la escuela secundaria por organizar una tarde de teatro para los estudiantes de kindergarten de FES. Los estudiantes de FHS leyeron en voz alta una variedad de libros infantiles como "Skippyjon Jones", "La Bella y la Bestia", "Rapunzel" y "Los tres cerditos" mientras los miembros de la clase de Moore se vestían disfraces y representaban escenas de acción de los libros.
Happy National Custodian Day to the incredible individuals who keep the FES campus clean! You all are appreciated!
¡Feliz Día Nacional del Custodio a las increíbles personas que mantienen limpio el FES! ¡Todos ustedes son apreciados!
Diversión con manzanas para celebrar el Día de Johnny Appleseed
Fun with apples to celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day
Game Day!
Rock the Rebels!
Working collaboratively, third grade students were given groups of pictures from which they determined the main idea/topic. Main idea is a skill which will be assessed on the 3rd grade Reading Gate in the spring.
Dress as a rockstar this Friday!
Vístete como una estrella de rock este viernes¡
The Bearcats are ready to "Rock the Rebels!"
Dress up as a Rock Star or wear your favorite Rock band T-Shirt!!!
Watch the CATS roll out on the field and rock the Rebels this Friday night at Scott Central High School!!
"We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end..."
Más sonrisas y risitas en el día de la foto de la escuela ...Más sonrisas y risitas en el día de la foto de la escuela
More grins and giggles on school picture day...