FES Black History Program - Please see the flyer for program details.

Tonight's game will stream LIVE on YouTube! Game time is 6:30 p.m.

Catch the Lady Bearcats in action tomorrow night, February 17, 2023! See the flyer for more details.

Happy School Board Member Recognition Week! Join us in showing appreciation to the school board members of FMSD.

Join us in showing appreciation to the school board members of FMSD. Happy School Board Member Recognition Week!

FMSD Early Dismissal

HMS Celebrates School Resource Officer Day! Thank you officer Coshune Bingham for your dedication to Hawkins Middle School and Forest Municipal School District.

2023 FHS Football Schedule - Save the Dates!

Hawkins Middle School would like to thank Lackey Memorial Hospital and its providers for conducting free physical assessments for our athletes. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to take care of our students!

Congratulations to the following students who were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). The National Technical Honor Society is an educational non-profit that exists to honor, recognize, and empower students and teachers in Career & Technical Education. NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students, provides close to $300,000 in scholarships annually, and strives to help connect education and industry to build a highly skilled workforce.
Front Row: Matthew Kimble, Ethan Ezell, Indira Vazques, Jareana Lyles, Headi Garcia
Back Row: Ethan Powell, Martin Wences, John Simon, Israel Felipe Miguel

Congratulations to HMS student, staff, and teacher of the month for January 2023!
HMS January Student of the Month: AJ Tucker
HMS January Teacher of the Month: Catrinda Ringo
HMS January Staff Member of the Month: Joann Pinkston

There was a mistake on
the "Important Dates" that went home on the Progress Reports last week.
February 20th, is NOT a holiday for students. ALL students are to be present on this date.

Alumni Soccer Match

Congratulations to Forest Elementary School's teacher, staff, and students of the month for January 2023.
Teacher of the Month: Amy Plaisance
Staff of the Month: Monica Soto
Students of the Month: K-Yanely Lopez Lopez, 1st-Malaysia Boyd, 2nd-Autumn Jones, 3rd- Dorca Pablo Macario, and 4th- Dreik Agustin Marroquin

1st Round 3A State Tournament

Save the Dates!

Catch the Bearcats in action during the last night of the Region 5-3A Tournament!

FHS is having a BOOK FAIR!!!

FES WINGS class is participating in the MSU Poultry Hatch-out program. Poultry Hatch-out is an educational curriculum-based program that focuses on the importance of the poultry industry and its significance to the world's food production. This week-long program consists of outlined lesson plans and activities as well as a live hatch of chicks throughout the week.
Nuestra clase WING está participando en el programa MSU Poultry Hatch-out. Poultry Hatch-out es un programa educativo basado en un plan de estudios que se centra en la importancia de la industria avícola y su importancia para la producción mundial de alimentos. Este programa, de una semana de duración, consiste en una serie de lecciones y actividades, así como en la incubación de pollitos durante toda la semana.

Catch the Bearcats and Lady Bearcats in action TONIGHT!