Welcome, Coach Strong!
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
markesha strong
FHS FRESHMAN ORIENTATION Things to Know: Freshman Orientation starts at 4:00 p.m. It is a come and stay event! All Freshman that attend will receive a complimentary slush from T&J Concessions! Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors can pick up schedules anytime during the hours listed! Be sure to sign up for your class Remind 101 for important class update!
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
freshman orientation
freshman orientation
Welcome, Mr. Stewart!
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
cameron stewart
Welcome, Mr. Williams!
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
kenny williams
Welcome, Coach Keland Johnson!
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
keland johnson
Registro FMSD: HOY es el ÚLTIMO día para todos los que regresan Estudiantes de FMSD para registrarse. La INSCRIPCIÓN se lleva a cabo en el gimnasio de HAWKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL este año. El registro finalizará a las 6 p.m.
over 1 year ago, FMSD
Registro FMSD: HOY es el ÚLTIMO día para todos los que regresan Estudiantes de FMSD para registrarse. La INSCRIPCIÓN se lleva a cabo en el gimnasio de HAWKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL este año. El registro finalizará a las 6 p.m.
over 1 year ago, FMSD
FMSD Registration: TODAY is the FINAL day for all returning FMSD students to register. REGISTRATION is held at HAWKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL gym this year. Registration will end at 6 p.m.
over 1 year ago, FMSD
FMSD Registration: TODAY is the FINAL day for all returning FMSD students to register. REGISTRATION is held at HAWKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL gym this year. Registration will end at 6 p.m.
over 1 year ago, FMSD
FMSD Child Nutrition Update: It has not yet been determined if FMSD students will have to pay for meals; however, families are REQUIRED to complete a new application to recertify for Provision 2 benefits. The application process is computer-based and will not take much of your time. One application per household MUST BE completed. If you receive SNAP benefits, it will be helpful to have your case number handy. The case number can be found on your card, beneath your name. If you have any questions, our Child Nutrition staff members will be more than happy to help. See you at registration!
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
child nutrition update
Day 1 of registration is in the books! If you did not get a chance to register today, please see the attached flyer for other dates and times. Reminder: Regardless of the school your child will attend, registration for ALL FMSD STUDENTS will take place at HAWKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL.
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
L. O. Atkins Field Named as One of the 40 Most Historic High School Football Stadiums in the State of Mississippi!
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
Historic Football Field
FMSD 2023-2024 School Year Registration Information
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
2023 Registration
2023 Registration
Forest High School Seniors and Senior Parents: We are excited to kick off the Class of 2024's senior year! Senior class t-shirts are on sale! Help your child celebrate their "Last First Day" with their classmates to kick off their SENIOR YEAR!!! This shirt is special because it is STUDENT-DESIGNED! Click the link to place your orders! https://forms.gle/vYzDWZxRDq1zL5zV9 Please email csherrod@forest.k12.ms.us if you have questions!
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
Senior T-Shirt 2024
BEARCAT FANS, SAVE THE DATES!!!! 2023 FHS Football Schedule
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
Football Schedule
School’s out but telehealth is still available! Mississippi School-Based Telehealth is here for students all summer and is free of charge to students enrolled in Mississippi K-12 public schools. The program began June 1. A parent or guardian must be present for the virtual visit. For appointments call 601-815-2020 and ask for a summer telehealth visit. Learn more at umc.edu/k12.
over 1 year ago, Tyresia Love
summer health program
Registration will be held at HAWKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL this year! Please see the letter below for dates and times to register. We are looking forward to another great year with your Bearcats!
over 1 year ago, FMSD
Registration Letter
Registration Letter Spanish
Esports Materials for Hawkins Middle School and Forest High School. Help give my students the opportunity to participate in Esports competitions in order to receive college scholarships.
almost 2 years ago, FMSD
Donors Choose
Esports Materials for Hawkins Middle School and Forest High School. Help give my students the opportunity to participate in Esports competitions in order to receive college scholarships.
HMS Fun Day: Wrapping up the school year with a little fun!
almost 2 years ago, Tyresia Love
HMS Fun Day
HMS Fun Day
HMS Fun Day
HMS Fun Day
Ms. Roman's EL classes enjoyed a college tour at Holmes Community College in Ridgeland, MS. They also enjoyed a nice lunch and spent the afternoon exploring the Outlet Mall. Her students were treated to a fun and educational day. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.
almost 2 years ago, Tyresia Love
EL field trip